Sweeter Than Others

Dear January 14th…. we are in a fight.


BUT, lets celebrate the beauty of today instead of highlighting the negative. I decided to take my frustration out in the kitchen and bake the cutest little banana bran muffins you’ve ever seen.

mini bran muffin

And of course I spilled granola all over my kitchen floor during the process. But don’t worry, Roman was there to provide me with some assistance..


AAAAND…. Lincoln turned 2 at the end of December & I couldn’t be more proud of the sweet boy that he is. I do believe being an auntie is one of the biggest blessings in the world. We played with his new toys, ate cupcakes, and smooched goodnight. I love him very much.

Lincolns 2

It’s colder than a witches tit in the ‘tah. I’ve come to the conclusion that copious amounts of tea, bloody mary’s (which I’ve mastered), beer, and football are the only solution to the temperature being in single digits. Keep calm & drink/cheer the 49ers on.

January weather

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.”  Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Winter is always the hardest season for me, so meditation, yoga & daily affirmations are key to staying centered & balanced. The problem is I close my eyes for 10 minutes & when I open them this is my first thought….
what the fuck was I thinking about?
Oops. Some seasons are simply sweeter than others. Speaking of sweet, I decided to stop being an asshole & start dating again (& I may or may not have a crush…) What has January been treating you with? I miss all of you. Reach out to me so that we can reconnect, I’d love to hear what’s going on in your world.
All my love until next time, Bailey Mikell

23 thoughts on “Sweeter Than Others

  1. I think your a amazing woman… Your nephew is such a cutie! I follow you on instagram and enjoy your blog as well. God bless you my dear!
    From Las Vegas :)

    • Thank you so much for reaching out to me & being so kind. I am very proud of Lincoln ( &I have to agree, he is pretty cute ;) )

      Thank you for being supportive & following my blog/instagram. It means the world to me to know that like-minded, good people are in my life. Sending good energy to you from afar. -B

  2. I LOVE your attitude Bailey. You rock. Meditation, nephews(or nieces), and hot tea are some of my favorite things too. Single digits? Yuck. It’s not that cold here at the coast, but still I threw my clothes in the dryer for 2 minutes before getting dressed this am. It felt like heaven putting on warm clothes. each piece was like a warm hug from a favorite crush. Try it!

    So what’s new with me? I published two books last month. The first, Fierce, is a follow up to More Than Just a Girl, for an older audience of young women with more topics encouraging activism and more resources like problem solving and critical thinking. The second book is You Can Fight back and covers how to fight emotional and physical self defense with my own violent experiences as examples.

    Sunday I taught my first self defense class yo strangers. It was exhilarating and I got a round of applause after. Before this class I had only taught people so this way I got to step way out of my comfort zone.

    • Hi Leah! Thank you so much!!

      I love the idea of putting your clothes in the dryer prior to wearing them — brilliant. I’ll definitely be doing that tomorrow! It is soo cold, and I hate it. This girl needs sunshine!

      I am amazed by your constant progress & personal growth. TWO books in ONE month, are you kidding? That’s a huge accomplishment. I’d like to look into both of your books, I am sure they’re great. Where can I find them??

      How long have you been teaching self defense for? You’re clearly good at it, I am sure it felt very rewarding to have such a positive reaction from those attending the class.

      I’m so happy we have reconnected & I look forward to learning more about your journey. Cheers

      • No sunshine! Yikes, that doesn’t work for me. Do you take vitamin-D? We usually get it free from the sun and I heard it can help with the bad moods that accompany dark days.

        I became certified to teach over the summer and love it. It’s really an amazing feeling to know I am helping other women be survivors. I was attacked in college and the moves I learned saved me from being a victim. That jerk never saw it coming. :)

        I worked on both books for about 6 months, simultaneously. So that’s how they got published in the same month. You can read my books online at http://www.bookemon.com/member-home/leahoviedo/151519

      • I don’t take Vitamin-D, but that’s a great idea, I’ll look into it. Wow, good for you for turning a negative into a positive & growing from such a hard experience. Thank you for giving me the link, I’m eager to read your work. I hope you’re having a great week so far. xo

    • Dana! Thank you so much. I am so happy to hear from you! My biggest fear when I took a break from writing was losing contact with the people I have felt connected to from my blog… you are one of those people. I’m glad that did not happen.

      Lincoln is at a great age. He’s growing so quickly & learning new things everyday, it amazes me.

      Maybe I will write a post about my bloody mary recipe! They are my favorite. And hell ya, niner nation!!! We’re taking it this year…. Superbowl 2013! I just know it.

      How is life treating you? How is Blue Vanilla doing? I need to visit your shop soon. I love your product.

    • Edward, thank you so much!! You sure know how to make someone feel missed :)

      I am glad to be back simply because I miss the great connections I have made with people. How awesome to open wordpress & have a comment as kind as yours waiting for me? Thank you again.

      It is nice to allow myself to love & be loved again.

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